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The auto campaign is where Amazon automatically matches your product to customer keyword search, as well as display your ad on competitor products. this campaign is used for ongoing research where we then filter in the data from target that convert into the manual campaign.
this campaign target keywords and customer search phrases related to your product in broad phrase and exact match type. This one typically be the campaign driving most of the sales volume.
Competitor manual
this is where we target competitor brands names, looking to take incremental sales from searchs looking for competitor products. this is an add on strategy this is usually very low volume but can add incremental sale.
Branded Manual
This campaign targets your own brand name. This helps to defend against competitors who will also advertise for your brand name trying to steal your sales. This campaign makes sure that your product shows up instead of a competitor’s when buyers search your brand name.
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Retargeting & Product Targeting: Both of these strategies retarget visitors who visited your page or a competitors page, but didn’t make a purchase. These ads follow potential buyers around Amazon, and are typically another low volume, incremental strategy, with low ACOS.